How do we transform your business with expert-led data training?

What’s the format of our data training?

Masterclass for Data Strategists

Our masterclasses are for your executives, leaders, and managers and their teams. The webinar delivers tech advice that’s ready to be used straight away in the real world. It’s about getting an edge with data, analytics, and AI.


This format integrates our coaches with the day-to-day operations of your company. So, your teams take advantage of our expert knowledge on an ongoing basis.


Do you need data training workshops on specific topics? Our wide-ranging workshops enhance knowledge across the learning journey, from train-the-trainer-format to support for those starting out on their data career.

Online Course

Your organization might prefer to update skills online. We’re on-hand with courses adapted for the era of WFH. These include lessons on how to implement data and AI best practices through the standardization of workflows and the implementation of new methods.

Why do you need data, analytics, and AI training?

Data Science

Make more effective decisions

Data Thinking

Offer added value to customers

Data Visualization

Raise revenue, profit, and productivity

Push forward to the market of tomorrow

Why does your organization need data, analytics, and AI training?

  • For many, data—and especially AI—give rise to fear, uncertainty, and doubt. At the same time, recruiting for new data roles to plug any knowledge gaps is a challenge in a saturated labor market. This can make internal training a necessity.
  • With our learning and development game plan you can create a data culture. This will boost your organization’s digital transformation, meaning more decisions are based on data—rather than by undocumented tribal knowledge and hunches.
  • Because employees appreciate you investing in their potential, our training not only improves company performance, it also reduces all important employee turnover.

Specific training for specific data profiles

There is often overlap between these data profiles, but having them in mind helps us assess the data maturity of your organization and pinpoint the correct training program for your stakeholders.

Data Decision Makers

Focus on creating the right conditions for execution and data-driven culture.

Typically in leadership positions, these strategists make decisions about project execution. Using an overall understanding of your organization’s data maturity, they aim for transformation. This means exploring a data culture and instigating more data-driven thinking.

Citizen Data Scientist

Focus on flexible use of data and analytics for different purposes.

Highly adaptable and hands-on with data, they make their own studies and answer ad-hoc questions. Flexibility is key as they redefine the parameters of analysis in search of making your organization data-driven. Responsibilities can include building their own advanced analytics models and pipelines.

Data Consumers

Focus on repeatedly answering recurring questions fast and in an easy way.

Working in a standardized data landscape removes the need for these individuals to make autonomous data analysis. Instead, speed and accuracy are vital as they answer cyclical data questions.

Our clients

Stora Enso
We’re all in for data training. Chat with one of our experts. Customize your program to suit your needs.
Trainings General Form

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