Saara Hyvönen is one of the three Co-Founders of DAIN Studios. She has extensive experience in the area of Data and AI strategy development, identifying optimal data use cases and defining related requirements on data, architecture and compliance. From algorithms to AI ethics, she loves making data work by finding answers to the full range of what, why, and how questions.

Prior to Dain Studios, Saara worked at Sanoma, leading the customer analytics development area, at Nokia as the head of global CRM analytics and at Fonecta leading a team responsible for search, relevance, and automated content enrichment. Before stepping into the business world Saara worked as a post-doctoral researcher in data science at the University of Helsinki, participating in multidisciplinary research projects ranging from dialectometry to atmospheric sciences as well as teaching advanced data analytics courses.

Saara Hyvönen has a PhD in mathematics and extensive experience in the application of data science in both academic and business environments. She was listed among the 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics 2021.

Why do you like working at DAIN Studios Helsinki?

"A team of great people working in interesting and versatile problems in data & AI: what could be better?"

If you could solve one problem using data and ML, what would it be?

"My one problem to solve with data and ML would be how to increase fairness in the world. This of course leads to solving all kinds of other problems which cause unfairness, and defining what is fair, and how different things balance - but interesting problems are no the easy ones."

The Co-founders

Guiding Your Organization Through the Initial Challenges of AI Adoption

Embarking on the journey of AI and advanced analytics opens a realm of possibilities. Securing leadership endorsement and support is vital for scaling and leveraging AI to achieve a competitive edge, yet garnering organizational backing is equally critical. Recognizing that your team members and specialists are not just the ideators of AI use cases but

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