Why do you like working at DAIN Studios Helsinki?

"Passionate, enthusiastic and talented persons! Everything boils down to people working towards the common goal with a spirit of collaboration and respect.What is your secret work skill?I think I can handle the ‘big picture’ or ‘helicopter view’ quite well, but at the same time can be practical and lead with concrete examples and suggestions. With Board of directors or tech teams.What excites you the most about data?Its nature of being multimodal and the challenges and opportunities it brings!"

If you could solve one problem using data and ML, what would it be?

"There are so many important areas for mankind, but I select the Fight against the Climate change as a theme. There are so many different important areas to help with data & AI, from the biodiversity loss to Fusion power and everything in between!"

"I think I can handle the ‘big picture’ or ‘helicopter view’ quite well, but at the same time can be practical and lead with concrete examples and suggestions. With Board of directors or tech teams."