February 27, 2019
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Can you tell the difference between Lönnrot’s Kalevala and AI?

To celebrate Kalevala Day on the 28th February 2019, DAIN Studios will facilitate several Artificial Intelligence (AI) demonstrations using Kalevala poetry at the Gallen-Kallela Museum.

How well do you know the Finnish epic Kalevala? Join us on in celebrating

Finnish Culture Day on 28.2 @ 14:00 and 15:00.

Free entry to Gallen-Kallela Museum for Kalevala Day. Demonstrations in Finnish and English.

If you cannot make it to our event, you can test yourself online

In English Which one is the original rune?

Suomeksi Kumpi on alkuperäinen runo?

References & more

Reach out to us, if you want to learn more about how we can help you on your data journey.


Title: Is it Real or is it AI? Take our Kalevala test!
DAIN Studios, Data & AI Strategy Consultancy
Published in
Updated on November 23, 2023