September 1, 2017
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Dain Studios makes a strong start in Helsinki, Berlin and Munich

Helsinki Business Hub, the regional development agency for the Finnish capital region, made a nice article about us to their “Success Stories” section.

One of our founders, Dirk Hofmann, was interviewed.

“We started our business in Helsinki, with me living and working from Munich, but from the beginning our plan was to set up actual studios in Germany and later in other locations around Europe,” says founding partner Dirk Hofmann.

Launching Dain Studios was driven by our observation that there are so many exciting business opportunities in the field of digitalization, artificial intelligence, data science and big data. We felt that we could really leverage our background and experience to help others, as almost every industry is heavily impacted by digital transformation and data is the fuel for successful future business,” Hofmann says.

References & more

Read the full article here.


Title: DAIN Studios Featured by Helsinki Business Hub
DAIN Studios, Data & AI Strategy Consultancy
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Updated on January 2, 2024