July 4, 2023
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Saara Hyvönen and John Bailey share valuable insights into the potential of automation in the recruitment process.

In a recent interview featured in Suomen Kuvalehti, Saara Hyvönen and John Bailey, both renowned experts in data and artificial intelligence strategy at DAIN Studios, provided valuable insights into the potential of automation in the recruitment process. Their thought-provoking discussion shed light on the possibilities, challenges, and ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in hiring practices and how this taps into ethics surrounding the recruitment process.

In this article, we delve into the key points raised by these industry leaders and explore the implications of their perspectives.

Automating the Recruitment Process: A Vision for the Future

According to John Bailey, the entire recruitment process has the potential to be automated, at least from a technical standpoint. He emphasized that this concept should be viewed as a ‘thought experiment,’ focusing more on what is possible rather than what would be practical or permissible.

“It’s a play on ideas, more about what’s possible than what’s reasonable or allowed.”

John Bailey

Bailey’s vision sparks a fascinating debate about the role of technology in streamlining hiring procedures. While automation can bring efficiency and scale to the recruitment process, it also raises concerns about potential biases and homogenization within the workforce.

Ethical Challenges and the Need for Constant Improvement

Saara Hyvönen, one of the founders at DAIN Studios who also has expertise in AI ethics, brought attention to the ethical challenges associated with automated recruitment. She highlighted that even with measures such as anonymous recruitment, biases can still persist. Certain data points, such as a candidate’s postal code, may inadvertently introduce bias into the decision-making process.

However, Hyvönen emphasized that the solution is not to abandon AI altogether but rather to continually improve the technology.

“The fact that AI has learned from human flaws is not a reason to go back to human work altogether, but to develop better AI.”

Saara Hyvönen

Developing better AI systems that can address and mitigate biases is crucial for creating fair and inclusive recruitment practices.

Regulations as a Safeguard

In the interview, Saara Hyvönen expressed confidence in the role of regulations in preventing the worst excesses of AI-driven recruitment. She discussed the importance of setting boundaries and highlighted the need for transparency.

Hyvönen provided an example of a hypothetical application that assesses a candidate’s suitability based solely on their photograph, stating that such absurdities would be eliminated under proper regulations. By holding AI systems accountable and requiring explanations for their decision-making processes, regulations can help ensure the development of responsible and just AI technologies.


The thought-provoking insights shared by Saara Hyvönen and John Bailey from DAIN Studios in their magazine interview offer valuable perspectives on the future of AI-driven recruitment. While the potential for automation in the hiring process is immense, it also necessitates careful consideration of the ethical implications involved.

The key takeaway is that the goal should not be to replace human involvement but rather to continuously improve AI systems to minimize biases and ensure fairness. With the right regulations and a commitment to transparency, AI can be harnessed as a powerful tool to enhance recruitment practices and create diverse, inclusive, and equitable work environments.

AI & Ethics

Responsible AI is a topic that should always be taken into account. To learn more about how you can ensure responsibility in your AI journey, reach out to us today.

This interview was originally published on Suomen Kuvalehti: https://suomenkuvalehti.fi/paajutut/rekrytoija-suosii-usein-kaltaisiaan-hakijoita-tekoalylla-ei-ole-inhimillisia-heikkouksia-teoriassa/


Title: AI and Ethical Recruitment
DAIN Studios, Data & AI Strategy Consultancy
Published in ,
Updated on January 27, 2024