October 19, 2023
physical Event
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Gain insightful perspectives in a thought-provoking session that combines two unique experiences into one engaging event. The first part immerses you in a deep dive into the world of generative AI, featuring prominent panelists including Dirk Hofmann, Boris Felgendreher, Frederic Krahforst, and Dr. Kerstin Höfle. Together, they will present a comprehensive overview, debunk myths, and examine real-world use cases, unraveling the challenges and opportunities that AI technology brings. Brace yourself for inspiring and game-changing possibilities that are reshaping the logistics industry.

The second part of the panel introduces Florian Deter, the Managing Director of Microsoft Deutschland GmbH. The focus shifts to the latest AI tools that enable logistics professionals to simplify their daily office tasks. Explore how these cutting-edge tools enhance productivity, streamline operations, and transform the logistics workflow.

Join us at the 40. Deutscher Logistik Kongress 2023, where industry visionaries converge to explore the fascinating intersection of artificial intelligence and logistics. Prepare to be inspired, enlightened, and challenged as we unravel the transformative power of AI and ChatGPT. Secure your place at this extraordinary event, and together, let’s embark on a journey that will shape the future of the logistics industry.

About Deutscher Logistik Kongress

The Deutscher Logistik Kongress 2023 is a leading event that brings together logistics professionals, experts, and thought leaders to explore the latest trends and challenges in the industry. With a focus on embracing change and leveraging emerging technologies, this conference offers valuable insights and networking opportunities for attendees to stay ahead in the ever-evolving logistics landscape.

Featuring DAIN Studios

Meet our Experts at 40. Deutscher Logistik-Kongress

Dirk Hofmann
Co-Founder and CEO of DAIN Studios Germany
Event Details
Title: 40. Deutscher Logistik-Kongress
Date: October 19, 2023 10:30 am
Type: physical event
Location: Berlin
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