September 14, 2017
live Event
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The focus of the meetup was marine, as that is an industry being disrupted. Today’s ships are equipped with a multitude of sensors and cutting-edge systems that enable the crew to operate everything at peak efficiency. Wartsila is a leader in that sector and is thus in a unique position to drive transformation. Wärtsilä/Eniram provides its customers with solutions that give highly accurate insights using naval architecture and state-of-the-art machine-learning algorithms. The next steps in bringing even more value for the customer is in partnerships: the more data Wartsila gets from the ecosystem, the value they can create.

In addition to a great overall presentation by Marco Ryan on the transformation process and Wartsila’s vision for the marine industry, we heard presentations from ex-CEO of Eniram, now VP Service 4.0 at Wartsila – Henrik Dahl, as well as from one of Eniram’s data scientists Antti  Solonen.

Eniram has been developing smart solutions for marine industry, including sensors and analytics solutions, for more than a decade, and already since 2012 has been into predictive analytics, thus placing themselves ahead of the industry. Antti walked us through one specific model he has been working on, namely predicting of the vessel’s power consumption. The model is a grey box, ie based on physics principles with parameters refined by actual data. Several of the metrics involved, eg speed on water, are actually quite difficult to measure, so modeling is required to gain accurate estimates.

The presentations were again followed by a lively discussion and networking.

References & more

The next meetup was not yet announced, but will be in the near future, so stay tuned for more information to appear !

(Photos courtesy of Sami Virtanen and DAIN Studios team)

Featuring DAIN Studios
Event Details
Title: The first Helsinki Data Science Meetup
Type: live event
Location: Helsinki Data Science Meetup
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