April 28, 2017
live Event
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As a 2n speaker we had the pleasure to have Matthew Evans, VP Digital Transformation at Airbus Group who came specifically for our meet up from the Airbus HQ in Toulouse to Helsinki. He shared how data and analytics is right in the core of the digital transformation of Airbus. We learned how Airbus approached the challenge of creating constant business value while sorting a siloed and fragmented data environment. Matthew also showed that future planes will have up to 250.000 sensors signals collected but to maximize the impact of those sensors the aviation ecosystem (Airbus, airline, airport, engine manufacturer,…) will need to work closely together. Again amazing insights, learnings and inspiration for the audience.

References & more

Thanks again to Annika and Matthew for speaking at our meet up! Special thanks to Annika and Finnair for hosting us!

Featuring DAIN Studios

Meet our Experts at Data Science goes Avionics @Finnair

Ulla Kruhse-Lehtonen
CEO of DAIN Studios Finland, Co-Founder
Dirk Hofmann
Co-Founder and CEO of DAIN Studios Germany
Event Details
Title: Data Science goes Avionics @Finnair
Type: live event
Location: Helsinki Data Science Meetup
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