July 29, 2019
live Event
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First of all, modern machine learning algorithms tend to behave as black boxes. As a result, we have traded understanding of the inner workings of a model for increases in accuracy and performance. In the era of GDPR and global concerns about data privacy and algorithm bias, understanding how a machine learning model makes a decision has increased importance. Historically there have been numerous efforts in the field, and it is still rapidly developing. Consequently, this talk is a tour of what recent xAI (explainable AI) methods and associated R tools are available. Furthermore, we look at how they work and provide some practical stack integration advice. We will cover the packages mlr, lime, iml, dalex, shap, and the sdmexplain (one of his packages).


When: Monday, July 29, 2019
Venue: Eurospace AG, Klosterstr. 71, BERLIN 10179
How to find us: Exit U-Bhf Klosterstr. Yellow building with Hypoport sign. Ring the bell.

As usual, short contributions and announcements from the audience are always welcome. We want to be a diverse and inclusive group, please come, bring your friends. We’re hoping for a nice crowd enjoying interesting talks and chats.

Our generous host Europace AG will prepare drinks and snacks for us!
See you there

References & more

Boyan Angelov is Senior Data Scientist and startup advisor, currently working at DAIN Studios. His academic background is in bioinformatics. Boyan brings experience from different fields such as e-commerce, clinical trials, HRTech and open source. Boyan’s favourite topics in machine learning are natural language processing and spatial models. The strongest driving factor in Boyan’s work is his belief that data science can be applied successfully in almost any area, and help drive meaningful change in our world.

Featuring DAIN Studios

Meet our Experts at Learn About Explainable Machine Learning with Boyan Angelov

Event Details
Title: Learn About Explainable Machine Learning with Boyan Angelov
Type: live event
Location: Berlin R Users Group
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