August 28, 2023
physical Event
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Is the use of AI disrupting democracy?

Ana Simic, DAIN Studios Managing Director of Austria will break down this question at the European Forum Alpbach (EFA) 2023. 

The EFA promotes intergenerational dialogue beyond borders, not only during this annual event but on a long-term basis. 

The goal is to generate new ideas, to spark action and to help shape the future of Europe. 

The event will be taking place from 19th August to 2nd September 2023, with Ana giving her delivery on the 28th of August.

You can find out more about tickets and the event at the above link.

European Forum Alpbach 2023

The Forum Alpbach’s purpose for today and beyond is quite simple: The European Forum Alpbach is a space and place for the emergence of reflection and action. It brings together young people from Europe and from all over the world with the most innovative minds from politics, business, civil society, culture, and science to drive ideas for a strong and democratic Europe. With this diverse, intergenerational, and interdisciplinary community, the Forum influences key actors throughout the European continent to facilitate their learning and decisions.

For more information, visit:
Hosted by EFA

Meet our Experts at European Forum Alpbach 2023

Event Details
Title: European Forum Alpbach 2023
Date: August 28, 2023 9:00 am
Type: physical event
Location: Alpbach
, Alpbach
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