October 11, 2023
physical Event
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Are you an HR manager looking to supercharge your organization’s data and AI literacy? Don’t miss our exclusive session at HR Inside Summit 2023, where we’ll explore how HR managers can actively boost data and AI literacy, driving real business impact.

Session Details

Topic: How HR Managers Can Actively Increase Data and AI Literacy
Date: October 11, 2023
Time: 16:00 – 16:50
Location: Raum Grün

In today’s fast-paced business world, a data-literate workforce is your secret weapon for success. They can make informed decisions, identify growth opportunities, and communicate insights effectively, driving productivity, mitigating risks, and enhancing customer service. Investing in data literacy is not an option; it’s a strategic imperative.

Don’t just take our word for it – the numbers speak for themselves. Organizations with high data literacy enjoy a 23% higher return on assets and a 12% higher return on sales. McKinsey reports that data-savvy companies can achieve up to a 60% boost in productivity.

The solution is clear: train your employees in data literacy. But it’s not just about access to data and training; it’s about creating a culture of data-driven decision-making. Senior leadership support is crucial to make this transformation successful.

Join us at HR Inside Summit, where DAIN Studios and A1 Group will share how their Data4Business training initiative empowered A1 employees to elevate data literacy, pitch data-driven ideas to senior management, and collaborate on real use cases – resulting in enhanced business success.

About HR Inside Summit

HR Inside Summit is the largest HR event in the DACH region. At Hofburg Vienna, over 2,000 participants gather to exchange insights with top international experts on the latest HR trends. It’s a must-attend event for HR professionals seeking to stay ahead of the curve.

With more than 25 captivating keynotes and panels on the Mainstage, each lasting around 20 minutes, the focus is primarily on inspiration and gaining fresh perspectives on HR topics.

Join us at HR Inside Summit 2023, where you can expect to be inspired, learn from industry leaders, and broaden your understanding of HR’s ever-evolving landscape. We look forward to seeing you there!

Hosted by HR Inside Summit
HR Inside Summit

Meet our Experts at HR Inside Summit 2023

Tizian Kronsbein
Head of DAIN Academy
Event Details
Title: HR Inside Summit 2023
Date: October 11, 2023 9:00 am
Type: physical event
Location: Hofburg, Vienna
Oct 10
AI literacy is an “ongoing learning experience” nobody should ever assume to be complete, Tizian Kronsbein, Head of DAIN academy and the host of the very first AI Monday in Vienna, cautioned at the very..

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