February 28, 2019
live Event
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Finnish Culture Day on 28.2 @ 14:00 and 15:00.

Free entry to Gallen-Kallela Museum for Kalevala Day. Demonstrations in Finnish and English.

Tunnistatko eron teköälyn kirjoittaman Kalevalan ja Elias Lönnrotin alkuperäisteoksen välillä?


Kalevalan päivänä 28.2. DAIN Studios esittelee uutta sovellustaan, jossa tekoäly luo Kalevalamittaista runoutta.

Kuinka hyvin tunnet kansalliseepos Kalevalan? Tule mukaan juhlistamaan suomalaisen kulttuurin päivää 28.2. klo 14.o0 ja 15.00 Gallen-Kallela museoon.

Ilmainen sisäänpäsy museoon Kalevalanpäivänä. Esitykset suomeksi ja englanniksi.

About The Kalevala

First published in 1835, the Kalevala is a work of epic poetry based on a collection of traditional folklore from the oral tradition. It was compiled by Elias Lönnrot, who traveled across wide expanses of the Finnish territory, collecting the stories, poems and myths of people living there.

Kalevala Day is celebrated in Finland on the 28th of February, in honour of the day on which the Old Kalevala’s foreword was dated by Lönnrot (February 28, 1835). Kalevala Day is an official flag-raising day in Finland, and simultaneously the Day of Finnish culture. Ever since it was published, various art forms such as music, literature, visual arts, theatre, and dance have drawn inspiration from the Kalevala, and it has functioned as a basis for opera as well as graphic novels.

 The Kalevala is seen as a vital part of the construction of the Finnish national identity and an important part in the development of the Finnish language. It has been the most widely translated piece of the Finnish literature to date and has helped to spread knowledge of the Finnish people to the rest of the world.

References & more

How well do you know the Finnish epic Kalevala? Join us on in celebrating

Free entry to Gallen-Kallela Museum for Kalevala Day. Demonstrations in Finnish and English.

Featuring DAIN Studios

Meet our Experts at DAIN Studios X Gallen-Kallela Museum On Kalevala Day

Event Details
Title: DAIN Studios X Gallen-Kallela Museum On Kalevala Day
Type: live event
Location: Gallen-Kallela Museum
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